dd Rand0m Access: Holy Crap! People are reading my blog!

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Holy Crap! People are reading my blog!

I was (pleasantly) shocked when I saw that I had comments! Thanks so much to my two readers! ^_- I'm famous! I have to admit that I kind of put things up here for myself, not really expecting anyone else to remember to visit.

To briefly continue my thoughts, I've been reading these two sites:

McCain-Palin Issues

Obama-Biden Issues

I'm still looking for an independent site that analyzes the issues and both sides' plans and history, so if anyone has one of those, send it along.

I also found this group that apparently does all the fact checking for us - also a very interesting read:


They are "a nonpartisan, nonprofit, 'consumer advocate' for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics." I have to believe that there is a slight liberal bias, just because The Media (in general) tends to lean that way, but they seem to do a good job at the "nonpartisan" role. Both sides are checked - though there seems to be more to check on McCain's side (at the moment).


OceanDesert said...

I'm reading it honey!

Anonymous said...

Those are good sites you cite to. I too have been unsuccessful at finding an independent/neutral commentary on the election, though. *Sigh* I'll keep looking and will let you know if I find anything.


Anonymous said...

I always read your blog. It's the only way I get to keep up since you don't call. ;) -B

Anonymous said...

Hey Michael Dun!
To be honest, I didn't know you had a blog...it sounds like things are going really well for Sara which is great! I had no idea you were so political!!!! Are you going to get back into V-ball?


Anonymous said...

Megan, I didn't realize I was so "political" either... I've always tried to form my own opinions, and not just vote a party, but this election has me wanting to be more informed than I have in the past. And I'm absolutely sick of the mud-slinging done during political campaigning, and am planning to fight it with these independent sources. I just hope that they don't let me down with partisanship.

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